he Partagas Lusitanias Cigar is has earned a agency spot as some of the iconic Cuban cigars available on the market.
It’s an especially well-liked smoke from Partagas, sporting a Prominentes vitola – it measures at 194mm with a 49 ring gauge.
Offering a full-bodied smoke, intense smoke for slightly below two hours – it’s protected to say this isn’t for the faint-hearted.
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Origin: Cuban
Manufactured: Handcrafted
Size: 194mm
Vitola de galera: Prominentes
Ring: 49
A Partagas Lusitanias deserves time. It needs time. These 7.6-inch double coronas are not cigars to save for a special occasion. A Lusitanias is the special occasion, saved for when you have at least three hours to smoke, savor and reflect.
Partagas Lusitanias Overview
At 7.6 inches and ring gauge 49 this is a meaty cigar that takes a minimum of 2 ½ hours to smoke. Allow three hours to really enjoy the flavor profile. Pre-1976 Lusitanias are a little shorter and fatter. All pre-1995 Lusitanias are a whole lot heavier.
Partagas changed the tobacco mix in 1995 and the blend comes exclusively from the Vuelta Abajo zone, notably ligero leaves famed for their aroma and richness. Such a long double corona requires a pristine wrapper leaf to completely cover the cigar’s 194mm.
Poor crops have created a shortage of these high-quality wrappers, yet Partagas are able to produce Lusitanias year after year, without any noticeable drop in quality. They are widely considered to be among the finest hand rolled cigars to ever leave the island of Cuba. Certainly, among the finest to leave the island year after year.
Post-1995 Lusitanias are a light to mid-bodied smoke and connoisseurs will notice the variations between vintages. Aging is recommended. Lusitanias don’t develop their complete flavor profile until around five years after vintage. With a good humidor they can develop for a further 20 years plus.
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